
Prof. Lee D. Parker, RMIT Melbourne and Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow

Photo and Film Elicitation Methods

Presenting Qualitative Research

Prof. Brendan O'Dwyer, University of Manchester & University of Amsterdam

Making sense of the mess: the trouble with theorizing

Revealing processes from case-based data: reflections from the field

Prof. Helen Tregidga, School of Management Royal Holloway University of London

Discourse as method

The interview process

Organizing Committee


Prof. Lee Parker

Prof. Adele Caldarelli

Dr. Rosanna Spanò


Prof. Alessandra Allini

Dr. Raffaela Casciello

Dr. Luca Ferri

Dr. Gianluca Ginesti

Prof. Marco Maffei

Dr. Fiorenza Meucci

Dr. Annamaria Zampella

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